He whakapapa, he mokopuna, he tamariki, he mātua, he tūpuna. He aha te mea nui. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata.
Our people are central to all we do. Our people are what drive our organisational culture. The five organisational Values are what we pride ourselves on. They are the foundation of our culture that we continue to build on.
Profile Type | Statistics |
Northland DHB Workforce | Total workforce: 3,889 active employees |
Age | Female average age: 45.07 years Male average age: 44.51 years |
Ethnic |
Māori 18.75 percent Pasifika 1.36 percent Asian 15.82 percent Other 61.31 percent Not stated 2.77 percent |
Disability | Specific data is not currently held for this category. Individuals with disabilities applying for vacancies are given full consideration based on the needs of the position. |
Gender | Female: 3,116 employees (80.13 percent) Male: 773 employees (19.87 percent) |
We strive to cultivate a culture that has strong leadership and accountability and a climate in which everyone can contribute to the way the organisation develops, improves and adapts to change. We are committed to meeting our statutory, legal and ethical obligations to be a good employer.
Collaboration and leadership are encouraged across services, occupational groups and other organisations in the health sector. This occurs at all levels of the organisation and helps staff feel engaged, belong and innovate.
A key focus and priority is achieving equity in our staffing levels. Evidence shows that patient outcomes improve when services are more culturally safe and the workforce reflects the community we serve.
The signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi by ancestors of Te Tai Tokerau Māori guaranteed their tino rangatiratanga, and no cession of sovereignty took place. The four articles in the original Te Tiriti document are the foundation for our relationships with Māori.
We have a positive relationship with our union partners and work together within a cooperative environment. Central to the relationship is a Bipartite Forum that meets regularly to maintain constructive engagement with the unions that represent our employees.
Achievements in 2021-22 include:
We have a number of successful development projects that support more Māori to join the workforce and undertake health and disability training. This applies particularly to services in which Māori are under-represented as health professionals and over-represented in health need.
We are the northern regional lead for the national Māori Health Workforce Development programme, Kia Ora Hauora. In 2021/22 the northern region recruited 449 new Māori into a health career pathway, supported 152 Māori to transition into tertiary level health studies and supported 101 Māori moving into health sector employment.
We have a longstanding arrangement with the University of Auckland to support and train Year 5 and 6 medical students to progress through our Pūkawakawa programme.
To make sure future services will be able to meet rising demands, we must attract, recruit and develop a talented workforce, so we have made a number of improvements to streamline the recruitment process.
Achievements in 2021-22 include:
We support staff to participate in various internal and external training courses, conferences, workshops, and other developmental opportunities to build capability and support career and personal development objectives.
We provide medical staff with continuing medical education support, and nurses and midwives with professional development recognition programmes.
The Workforce Development & Wellbeing Department offers a range of professional and personal development training opportunities.
We work to achieve equity in employee development in several ways, especially through Te Kaupapa Whakaruruhau / The Māori Health Cultural Quality Programme, which provides opportunities to gain cultural competencies.
We have also committed to applying an equity lens over all organisational training.
E-learning development and implementation has continued to expand, so that our primary healthcare and community partners have more access to learning, communication, knowledge transfer and skill development.
An improved Exit Survey makes it easier for staff to provide feedback when leaving the organisation or transferring to another department. Reasons for leaving are tracked by ethnicity to help improve Māori staff retention.
Achievements in 2021-22 include:
We function 24 hours a day, seven days a week, providing full-time and part-time opportunities.
Ongoing challenges, especially as a result of COVID-19, have seen us retain an Incident Management Team (IMT) more or less permanently. IMT’s dual role is to manage crises as they occur and come up with innovative solutions for the short and medium term.
We sought to assist our colleagues in the Auckland DHBs while they were in Level 4, re-deploying more than twenty staff members to the region for several weeks during this challenging time.
Work hours and often location can be flexed according to employee needs and the requirements of the position. Any specific impairment is recognised and is suitably provided for where possible. During COVID-19 high-alerts, many non-frontline staff were kept safe by enabling them to work from home.
We continue to be committed to a holistic primary-secondary partnership. We work closely with GPs, our PHO partners and other primary care stakeholders to safeguard the workforce, eliminate health inequalities, promote wellbeing, improve outcomes, and increase the value gained from the health dollar.
Achievements in 2021-22 include:
We adhere to the good employer requirements in section 118 of the Crown Entities Act 2004, which covers:
The concept of the ‘good employer’ is bound up with the principles of natural justice and requires employment procedures to be ‘fair in all circumstances’. We recognise that all individuals and groups should have opportunities without barriers or biases.
Our workforce is covered by 23 collective employment agreements, with a minority of staff on individual employment agreements. Most employee groups have transparent job evaluation criteria and specific merit programme criteria that have been developed in consultation with relevant unions.
We are party to the national pay equity process which is collaborative between unions and DHBs. The Equal Pay Amendment Act 2020 has provided principles and allowed for a framework which addresses systemic, gender-based pay discrimination in female-dominated roles.
Achievements in 2021-22 include:
Our zero tolerance to bullying and harassment is reinforced by our Managing Unacceptable Behaviour in the Workplace Policy, a supportive document that provides staff with clear guidelines.
The ‘DATIX’ electronic reporting tool continues to be the vehicle for reporting incidents of alleged violence, bullying and harassment. We have continued to engage with our union partners to refine and increase confidence in tools and processes to ensure that all employees are able to safely raise concerns.
Our Workplace Violence Prevention (WVP) Framework works at every level of the organisation to implement wide-reaching prevention measures and leadership, as well as reviewing, responding to and managing all forms of workplace violence. It has six Focus Areas.
Achievements in 2021-22 include:
Although COVID-19 stretched the health system, the risk to our workforce was kept low through effective infection prevention controls, testing and vaccination.
Our Values are centred around health, safety and wellbeing. We are committed to providing a culturally and physically safe workplace for employees, patients, whānau, visitors and contractors.
We have effective emergency and corporate risk management systems and processes in place that meet legislative and contractual obligations.
Staff wellbeing has always been a key focus. It is promoted in various ways across the organisation and led by the Workforce Development and Wellbeing department.
Achievements in 2021-22 include:
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