Chaplaincy Care | Te Whatu Ora - Te Tai Tokerau

Chaplaincy Care

Our Responsibilities

The role of the hospital chaplain is multi-faceted. Besides providing pastoral care, chaplains can act as a go-between for patients and providers, advocate for the patient to medical staff, explain hospital processes and care to patients, and offer comfort and guidance to whanau and friends who are experiencing tough times.

They are also an invaluable resource to hospital staff who are under a great deal of stress, especially when challenged by extreme conditions such as during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chaplains may also meet with patients for celebratory occasions, such as the birth of a child or the discharge of a patient completing treatment. Many hospital chaplains are on the go constantly, responding to the demands of each situation. 

A typical day for a hospital chaplain will always include visiting with patients one-on-one, but that is not their only duty. A busy chaplain may be called to meet with patients in the emergency room or help families absorb devastating news or deal with other crisis situations. 

After meeting with patients, a chaplain writes up notes and may make recommendations to help improve the patient’s mindset and emotional comfort.


Our Sacred Spaces


The Chapel of St Luke is located in Whangārei Hospital on the Lower Ground (LG) floor at the east end of the corridor. Patients may have Eucharist brought to their bedside by request. An external referral process is also available should you wish to have a priest, minister or spiritual representative visit from a particular religion or faith community.

Kaitaia Hospital has a Chapel for patient and public use in the hospital. Please ask for directions at reception.

Bay of Islands and Dargaville
Dargaville and Bay of Islands Hospitals have "Quiet Rooms" for patients and public use. Please ask for directions at reception.

Contact Whangārei Chaplaincy Department 

Hours Available:  8:30am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday

Phone: 09 430 4100 ext. 7115 (please leave a message)


Our Chaplains


Reverend Amiria Te Whiu

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa. I am an ordained minister with Te Aka Puaho, Hinota Māori, Presbyterian Church Aotearoa.

I am an Ecumenical Chaplain for Whangārei hospital, which simply means I am trained to work with all faiths, denominations, cultures, whanau, and friends who may need support while here in our hospital. I am the Northland VCA Training Co-ordinator for Northland hospitals Kaitaia, Dargaville, Kawakawa and Whangārei.

I worked as a Chaplain for the Department of Corrections and was Officiating Chaplain for the Royal New Zealand Navy. I look forward to working with staff, patients, whānau, and friends of the hospital.

Ngā te Manaakitanga o te Runga Rawa.


Jim Nees

Jim trained as a Volunteer Chaplain Assistant in 2003 and has continued to enjoy his involvement in Parish Ministries. He was ordained in July 2012 having completed four and a half year's study in Auckland. Jim has been employed in his current position as Catholic Chaplain since 2011.

Sister Fatima Lemisio

Kia ora, Greetings, Talofa lava! 

I am a Sister of Ngā Whaea Atawhai o Aotearoa Sisters of Mercy, NZ.  I am originally from the beautiful island of Samoa and currently working as an Ecumenical Chaplain under the Inter-Church Council for Hospital Chaplaincy (ICHC).

My ministry as a Chaplain is a privilege where I offer compassionate spiritual and pastoral care support and comfort, prayer, scripture readings and other religious services to our patients, whānau and staff, regardless of religious, cultural or any other different backgrounds.


Adrian Whale

Adrian and his family have been based in Whangārei for the past twenty years. Over that time Adrian has been associated with Hope Presbyterian Church.

He trained as a Chaplain with Alphacrucis College in 2016. He has experience in diverse roles across the social service, housing, education, and health sectors.

His most recent role was as Pastoral Care Co-ordinator for International Students at NorthTec, where he enjoyed working and supporting people from different backgrounds to explore and continue in their faith practice.


The Chapel is located on the lower ground (LG) floor at the east end of the corridor.

Hours Available: 8:30am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday

Ph: 09 430 4100 ext. 7115 (leave a message)

Email referrals:

Chaplaincy – Hospital Liaison

To make a donation please fill in the attached donation form or via the online donation form

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