Te Tai Tokerau Map of Mana Ake School ClustersThis map identifies our schools within Te Tai Tokerau and their geographical school cluster (by coloured pin).
School Phasing and Resource Allocation (By Region)Mana Ake Te Tai Tokerau will be taking a phased approach to implementation across the 2023 and 2024 school years. If you would like to receive more information about when your school or region comes online for the service, please feel free to contact us. Otherwise, one of our team will be in touch with your school when we are ready to offer the service to your school. |
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Mana Ake provides support for students in years 1-8, where possible, early in the life of a wellbeing or mental health concern. Early intervention helps to prevent problems escalating and ensures students have the greatest likelihood of remaining engaged and achieving at school.
If you feel a child in your classroom or school displays a range of indicators that may suggest an emerging wellbeing or mental health concern and have observed these consistently for any extended time, please follow the school referral process below.
Mana Ake School Term 1 2024 Update
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