Holidays Act Remediation | Te Whatu Ora - Te Tai Tokerau

Holidays Act Remediation

Holidays Act Remediation

Like many public and private organisations across New Zealand, Te Whatu Ora has been impacted by Holidays Act 2003 compliance issues.

We’re committed to addressing these issues, to ensure current and former Te Whatu Ora staff receive their correct leave entitlements and we will keep you informed about progress and next steps.

For current employees, you can read more on your local intranet.

For former employees, the link to a new national portal will be available here from mid to late October 2023.

You will be able to register with us through the portal, so we can keep you informed about any upcoming payments that may relate to you.

We will also reach out directly to former employees using their last known contact details.

Therefore if you are leaving Te Tai Tokerau before we are able to remediate you as a current employee kindly ensure that your contact details are correct in the Yourself employee kiosk.

Payments to former employees are expected to start in mid to late 2024.

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